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Para Bellum Conquest: Hundred Kingdoms – Imperial Officer WIP March 4, 2022

Posted by Jason Bergunder in 100 Kingdoms, Army building, Converting, Do-it-yourself, Painting, Para Bellum Conquest, Streaming.
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This is a very exciting piece to show off my progress on. I carefully filled in and sanded out a center hole in a normal stand to make a mold of what I will be using for character stands in this army. I hand laid the bricks on this and magnetized the quadrants. Why do this you ask? To attach tiny furniture.

In Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings, the characters get their own stands like the unit they are attached to, but they can be upgraded with a retinue instead of taking on the models from the unit the have been embedded with. Some people put them in a regular base as if they were part of the unit, some people make display bases. I am making tiny furniture that represents the retinue that I can add or take off as needed. The first pieces I have done are a tiny table and a weapons rack. The table is going to have a map on it.

I also decided to go a bit further and try my hand at NMM, after a very long time not practicing it. I think my blends still hold up and the lighting is pretty good, but I am still encountering the issue of colour. I am never sure what I want to add to get the tone I am looking for. I want to go for the reddish brass I have for the rest of my army, but right not it’s pretty much gold. I think I need more orange. So far, i just have most of the highlights, the shading hasn’t been touched yet.

Cities of Sigmar: Ulric’s Retribution – Painted Converted Scourgerunner Chariot August 20, 2021

Posted by Jason Bergunder in Age of Sigmar, Army building, Cities of Sigmar, Converting, Dark Elves, Do-it-yourself, Empire, Games Workshop, Painting, StaticGrass Creations, Streaming, warhammer.
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I am pleased to show off my first of three converted Scourgerunner Chariots, finally painted. Some time ago, I put together three of these as my rendition of the Cities of Sigmar Scourgerunner Chariot. I game terms, the chariot is supposed to be a Drukhari/Dark Elf/Privateer model, but I made mine aesthetically human. Specifically, in my Middenheim blue/white colour scheme and Freeguild design.

For the other non-human units in the army book, what kind of scratchbuilds or conversions can I do on the monsters that could follow the Freeguild/human aesthetic? I’m looking into possible clockwork/steampunk works or several guardsmen in hydra hide for my initial ideas.

Cities of Sigmar: Soulscream Bridge Scratchbuild September 4, 2020

Posted by Jason Bergunder in Age of Sigmar, Army building, Cities of Sigmar, Converting, Do-it-yourself, Empire, Games Workshop, Laser Cutter, StaticGrass Creations, Stormcast Eternals, Streaming, Terrain, warhammer.
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I am calling this half of the Soulscream bridge done! I’ve been working on this for a while. There was some planning and diagram making to get me the general shape.

It all started with a couple of laser cut MDF pieces for the frame and some styrene sheets cut for the foundation. The rest is Milliput and Greenstuff built up for the bricks and motifs. The pieces of Azyr floor is from the Large Base details set and the embellishments for old bits from the Empire and stuff from the Stormcast Eternals. I made sure to add some brick details on the underside so it wouldn’t be so smooth.

All I need to do it paint it fittingly. I will be going for magic forces moving pieces together, building the bridge while the spell is being cast.

Soulscream Bridge Conversion Update #1 – Structure March 2, 2020

Posted by Jason Bergunder in Age of Sigmar, Army building, Cities of Sigmar, Converting, Do-it-yourself, Empire, Games Workshop, StaticGrass Creations, Terrain, warhammer.
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Super excited for more conversions. This one is pretty much a scratch build. Inspired by PaintedByG I thought I would do a Cities of Sigmar themed endless spell too.

I had the arch laser cut and since I made the slope too steep, I decided to go with it. The bridge is going to be one of those fancy bridges with stairs on both sides and a motif in the center. The end of it has pieces of Azyrite flooring that are all broken up. I plan on adding water effects and colour to make it look like magic is pulling pieces in and building the bridge. I’m going to be doing this again for the other half of the spell.

It already looks great and I can’t wait to show you more.

Soulscream Stairs

Broken Bridge

Soulscream Bridge

Genestealer Cults Commission Assembly – Complete May 18, 2019

Posted by Jason Bergunder in Army building, Astra Militarum, Games Workshop, Genestealer Cults, Painting, StaticGrass Creations, Streaming, warhammer 40k.
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An assembly only commission for now, and it is complete. Short and sweet for this force.

Genestealer Cults of the Bladed Cog creed. There was some kitbashing for the Brood Brothers, as well as magnetization and scratch building for the tank.

The new Leman Russ kit does not come with heavy stubber or hunter killer missile options (disappointing). So, I had to find some extra bits I had around and found the guns and missiles, but only one mount each. I used styrene strips and rods to make the weapon mounts for a stubber and a missile.

Genestealer Cults Assembled

Brood Brothers and Hybrids


HQs and Tanks

Leman Russ Turret with Custom Mounts

Custom Missile Mount

Magnetized Sponsons